He’d moved there for that job, and couldn’t wait to move back. He was already looking for a way.
It was only seven months before he found a job back home and returned to Austin, Texas.
With the move, the doodle notebook got tucked away, and then sat in a box for a few years. One day, while clearing out for a move, he saw it and smiled.
He opened the notebook to find a bunch of faces shaped like Texas staring back at him. Smiling, laughing, grinning little Texas’s. He was throwing stuff away, but couldn’t bring himself to throw that out.
He decided to do something with it, instead. At that time, there weren’t any Texas Emojis on iPhone. Texans had resorted to sending the [wrong] Chilean flag for the Texas flag, and that was all they had.
So, he set out to create an app, turning his doodles into digital Texas emoji stickers. Within a year, the app was in the app store for purchase. Texans rejoiced.
After getting lots of great feedback on the emoji designs, he took it a step further and started adapting the designs to create “The Big Texas Coloring Book”. Adults and kids enjoyed drawing in the designs and he began working on another coloring book to follow.
But why stop there? With a state so loved as Texas, there’s room for more. So, he started selling physical stickers, then shirts and hats, and it continued on from there.
And now, if you want to find a Texas-themed gift for your favorite Texan, well, you found the right place.
If you’re ever homesick, come grab yourself a Texas keepsake. Or just go to our Facebook page for some Texas memes. We appreciate every moment you spend smiling and laughing with us.
Take care, y’all, of yourselves, each other, and our great state.
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